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Empathy Flags Antwerp
We made flags with Mahmoud! As the next step towards empathy. After empathy benches, now empathy flags!!Together with textile artist...
Love is Univers ALL Fossa
As a part of the residency in Fossa, L'Aquila where thirteen artists were invited by the mayor to organise participative art projects...
Love is Univers ALL Antwerp
For a day, these hearts represented love, which is the most important thing that connects people. That we need a lot of love only became...
Workshop: Colors of soul
For four days 24 artists from different parts of the world met in Poland in occasion of an art project held by Brera and Krakow Fine Arts...
Empathic Relationships & Mental Health​
The initiative Empathic Relationships & Mental Health, held between November and December 2018, is part of the project Treatment paths...
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